We currently have four female alpacas, 3 gelded male alpacas and one llama. The first picture with the red halter is Llami (Yami). She is our sole llama. She is small, not much bigger than the alpacas, but much more confident, and definitely more muscular. She should guard the other animals from coyotes. She hasn’t had the opportunity to practice yet thankfully!
The three white girls in the middle are Freda, Dora and Dulce. These beauties provide us with wonderful fleece. Sheering is in June so they are nice and cool for the summer, and warm in the winter when they get fuzzy again.
The black alpaca is Star. She is our senior girl and has taught the younger ones manners. She alerts with a high pitched trill when she sees danger such as a racoon or strange dog.
If you would like to meet these special animals and learn more about their lives and fleece, email me at willowridgealpacas@
Feed the Birds
I love birds. They enchant me. Above are our domestic birds, chickens! We currently have over a dozen hens and three beautiful roosters. Each rooster has his own group of girls that he protects. The hens provide us with eggs almost all year round. They are happy birds as they can wander around the farm at will. They will probably be the first group to welcome any newcomer to the farm. Each rooster and hen have their own personality which comes out when there are treats disbursed. It is interesting to see the pecking order :) There is so much to learn about these birds and each day they entertain me with their antics.
Willow Ridge is host to many many different species of wild birds. Some migrate and return each spring, many stay for the winter. Here are some photos of the little birds we often see at the feeders or just hanging around the yard. We had a guest that was a bird watcher. In one weekend she saw:
White throated Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
White Crowned sparrow
Red winged Blackbird
Black capped Chickadee
American Crow
Blue Jay
Ruby crowned Kinglet
American Goldfinch
Dark eyed Junco